
Effects of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 2-1 on roots of wheat and oil seed rape quantified using X-ray Computed Tomography and real-time PCR
J. Sturrock, M. Brown, C. Walker, S. J. Mooney, R. V. Ray,
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

J. Woodhall
The Food and Environment Research Agency, Sand Hutton, UK

In this study high resolution X-ray micro Computed Tomography (X-ray μCT) and real-time PCR were used to study host–pathogen interactions of Rhizoctonia solani AG) 2-1 in situ and elucidate the mechanism of Rhizoctonia damping-off disease in wheat and oil seed rape over a 6-day period.

Aggregate sheath spot and sheath spot of rice

V.M. Lanoiselet G.J. Ash, Charles Sturt University, Australia
E.J. Cother, Agricultural Institute, Australia

Good overview on R. oryzae on rice (host range, biology, symptoms and control measures).

Characterization and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. from field crops in Canada

M.S. Melzer, G. J. Boland, University of Guelph, Canada
H. Yu, Guelph Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada
T. Labun & A. Dickson, Syngenta Crop Protection, Canada

In this survey the presence of Rhizoctonia species on barley, bean, canola, corn, pea, soybean and wheat was analyzed. Additionally, the pathogenicity of different anastomosis groups to the different crops were tested in growth room studies. The results are important for documenting the widespread occurrence of R. solani in seedlings of field crops in Canada, for characterizing variation in AG’s and host range, and for identifying effective crop sequences used in crop rotations.

Phylogenetic Diversity of R. solani associated with canola in Alberta Manitoba and Saskatchawan
K.D. Broders, University of New Hampshire, United States
M.L. Parker, M.S. Melzer & G.J. Boland, University of Guelph, Canada

Phylogenetic comparison of isolates of R. solani collected from a previous survey in the major canola- and wheat-growing regions of western
Canada. A total of 128 multinucleate isolates from a previous survey were identified by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence and compared to anastomosis group (AG) results.

Survey on the prevalence of Rhizoctonia spp.  in European soils and determination of the baseline sensitivity towards sedaxane in plant pathology
M. B. Goll, A. Schade-Schuetze, G. Swart, M. Oostendorp & J. J. Schott, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland
B. Jaser & F. G. Felsenstein, EpiLogic GmbH, Germany

Rhizoctonia solani injuries in oilseed crops in Finland and impacts of different crop management practices on disease incidence and severity
A.O. Hannukkala ; M. Rastas; S. Latvala
Natural Resources Institute Finland, Management and Production of Renewable Resources, Jokioinen, Finland

P. Laitinen
Tukes, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, Plant Protection Products, Helsinki, Finland