
Soil tests: your crop’s first line of defense
E. Leonard, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Australia
This interesting article is about the history of soil DNA analysis for predicting soilborne pathogens levels and how it is used for the management and control of soilborne diseases.

Looking into suppressive soils in Australia
Dr. D. Hüberli, Departement of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA)

Dr. Hüberli and colleagues from the DAFWA identify soils that are suppressive to cereal root diseases.

Toxic straw or root disease: allelopathy overrated
R. J. Cook, Dean & Prof. Emeritus, Washington State University, United States

Getting to the root of the rot
S. Weigum, Columnist, Grainews, Canada
A nice small report on root rot in peas from Canada that shows the complexity of root rots.

Plant Nutrition Prof. Lynch is looking for plants that are “doing just the right thing at the right time in the right place”
Prof. Lynch, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, United States
Prof. Lynch`s research focuses on plant root architecture and how the study of plant roots can increase crop yields and improve global food security. Lynch conducts research on five continents, where he uses computer simulations to study root characteristics.

This research perspective considers the specific root system with the idea to breed plants that thrive in low-phosphorus soils with limited water and nutrient availability, specifically among poor nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

New tool developed by the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to study root architecture
L. V. Kochian & R. W. Holley, Center for Agriculture and Health, Cornell University, United States