What is Wakil® XL?
Wakil® XL is a combination of three fungicides. The product was specially developed for pea growing. It may only be used as a fungicidal product for the treatment of:sowing seeds for agricultural peas, garden peas, snow peas, asparagus peas, field peas and sugar peassowing seeds intended for export, in which case the product may only be used by companies that have prepared a hazard identification and risk assessment, as described in the…

Advantages of sowing seed treated with Wakil® XL

  • Wakil® XL is a broad-spectrum fungicide to control soil-borne diseases, protecting growth, yield and quality.
  • Wakil® XL offers protection against seed-borne Ascochyta spp complex (Mycosphaerella pinodes and Ascochyta pisi), damping-off and primary downy mildew, including strains that are insensitive to Metalaxyl-M.
  • The combination of three complimentary modes of action makes it the standard treatment for peas.
  • It ensures excellent emergence and crop safety, as the seeds have to deal with far fewer chemicals.
  • It is highly effective in preventing downy mildew damage.

Early control of downy mildew Primary infection: soil-borne oospores infect seedlings even before emergenceInfection is systemic; affected plants have a sickly yellow-green colour, with the underside of the leaf covered in mycelium55% or greater yield loss can occurDisease favours wet, humid weatherSecondary infection: airborne sporangia from primary foci infect foliage and pods of other plants